Explore the list of 5 letter words Starting with F AND A as the fourth letter : Hello viewers, searching for the English word that contains FA Letters in the given position (F__A_), then you are in the right place. Playing wordle or any 5 letter word game and left a few more guesses to figure out the answer then this list of words helps to to figure out the correct word of the day. You can explore this list to input the correct answer or solve the puzzle with minimum guess to keep the winning streak up.
The list of five-letter words that begins with F having A letter in 4th position mentioned on this page can be accepted by scrabble letter, word with friends game, or any 5-letter puzzle so, without the word one by one and input the word that perfectly match your game situation by eliminating the yellow or grey letters that not contain in the word that might be your answer of the day.
5 letter words Starting with F and R as 4th letter list
Here is the list of 5 letter words with FR Letters as First and Fourth letters. The list contains words in alphabetical order with their meaning as well for better Easy of viewing and understanding.
- falaj
- fanal
- farad
- fatal
- favas
- fecal
- femal
- feral
- fetal
- fetas
- feuar
- filar
- final
- fleam
- fleas
- float
- focal
- foram
- foray
- fouat
- freak
- friar
- fubar
- fugal
- fural
- furan
5 Letter words starting with F and A as fourth letter list with Meaning
- falaj : split into parts
- fanal : a beacon on a ship or lighthouse.
- farad : the SI unit of electrical capacitance, equal to the capacitance of a capacitor in which one coulomb of charge causes a potential difference of one volt.
- fatal : causing or capable of causing death; mortal; deadly
- favas : another term for broad bean.
- fecal : of, relating to, or constituting feces.
- femal : an individual that produces eggs or gives birth to young, as opposed to one that produces sperm
- feral : (used about animals) living wild, especially after escaping from life as a pet or on a farm
- fetal : Having to do with a fetus.
- fetas : slice of cheese
- feuar : One who holds land in feu.
- filar : relating to or having threads or lines, especially across a field of view
- final : last (in a series)
- fleam : a sharp lancet or multi-bladed instrument used for bloodletting.
- fleas : a very small jumping insect without wings that lives on animals, for example cats and dogs. Fleas bite people and animals and make them scratch
- float : to move slowly through air or water
- focal : central; very important; connected with or providing a focus
- foram : foraminifer
- foray : a sudden attack or incursion into enemy territory, especially to obtain something; a raid.
- fouat : a succulent pink-flowered plant.
- freak : a person who has a very strong interest in something
- friar : a member of any of certain religious orders of men, especially the four mendicant orders
- fubar : extremely bad or certain to fail or be defeated or destroyed.
- fugal : of, relating to, or being in the style of a musical fugue.
- fural : a colourless flammable soluble mobile liquid with a penetrating odour, present in oat and rice hulls
- furan : a colourless volatile liquid with a planar unsaturated five-membered ring in its molecule.
Here we conclude the list of word starting with F and A as fourth letter in them. There are a total 34 words found that can be your winning word. We hope our list help you to solve today wordle game and keep your winning streak 100%. If any word missing from the list above, kindly let us know in the below comment box.