5 letter words with OV in the middle

List of 5 letter words with OV in the middle mentioned on this page. All word puzzle lovers looking for specific positions of word letter lists that meet the given conditions then, scroll down this page to explore all possible lists of words that all world popular word puzzle games like Words with a Friend, scrabble, and NYT Wordle can accept.

The criteria mentioned below fulfill the list mentioned on this page:

Word type 5 letter
Position _OV__ or __OV_
Spot O is the second letter, V is the third letter, or O is the Third letter, and V is the fourth letter
Total words Found 39+18

List of 5-letter words with OV in the middle

Here is the list of five-letter words with OV letters in the middle positions as second, and third letters. The list mentioned below is alphabetically arranged for a better view:

  1. Bovid
  2. Coved
  3. Coven
  4. Cover
  5. Coves
  6. Covet
  7. Covey
  8. Covin
  9. Doved
  10. Doven
  11. Dover
  12. Doves
  13. Dovie
  14. Fovea
  15. Hovea
  16. Hoved
  17. Hovel
  18. Hoven
  19. Hover
  20. Hoves
  21. Lovat
  22. Loved
  23. Lover
  24. Loves
  25. Lovey
  26. Lovie
  27. Moved
  28. Mover
  29. Moves
  30. Movie
  31. Novae
  32. Novas
  33. Novel
  34. Novum
  35. Roved
  36. Roven
  37. Rover
  38. Roves
  39. Woven

Here is the list of five-letter words with OV letters in the middle positions as third, and fourth letters. The list mentioned below is alphabetically arranged for a better view:

  1. Above
  2. Amove
  3. Clove
  4. Drove
  5. Emove
  6. Glove
  7. Grove
  8. Grovy
  9. Hoove
  10. Moove
  11. Omovs
  12. Poove
  13. Poovy
  14. Prove
  15. Shove
  16. Slove
  17. Stove
  18. Trove

We hope this list helped you to find out the word that you are looking for, and also win the puzzle game to keep your winning streak active. If any word missing from the list above kindly, let us know in the comment box.


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